That photo still gives me goosebumps.
I mean… look at the audience, is there anything else one can say to describe how special the last SWAY was?
I don’t know how, but it really does get better every time. #SWAYMiami is looking like it might be the best one yet, and all for an amazing cause to fight illiteracy. More on that later…
Anyway, I’m not a man of much words…
LOL Ha! I had you there for a second… regardless of the amount, I’m definitely not as good with them as the gentlemen who co-choreographed SWAY.
They have a thoughtful message to the SWAY cast, crew, production team, and most importantly, YOU, the fans who make this all possible.
Take it away David and Tiago…
Well, another run of SWAY: A Dance Trilogy is in the books, and what a run it was!
Bringing a show to New York City can be a daunting task with little guarantee of success. After all, audiences have an endless variety of shows they can choose from in the city that never sleeps. But for one weekend in June our beloved SWAY was the darling of Manhattan! Audiences packed the majestic Hammerstein Ballroom in the heart of mid-town and brought an energy to the show that we could not believe!
So, we just wanted to take a moment to say a huge thank you to everyone who came! You laughed with us, cheered with us, and of course, even danced with us. You helped make each show something truly special, and when the crowd was on it’s feet thirty seconds into the final number of Saturday night’s show we all knew that, if only for a moment, the joy and passion of dance and the love we all feel for this art form had transcended into something as pure and powerful as any artist could want.
For that matter, there are so many people all over the country and even the world (man, that sounds crazy to say) who have supported SWAY even though they have not yet had a chance to see it. That is remarkable, not to mention humbling. We appreciate you and your support every bit as much! Hang on…we hope to bring SWAY your way as soon as possible!
Thank you to our amazing cast! Those who have seen SWAY know that it truly is an ensemble show from our special guests to our home-town stars to our core cast of dancers who are more and more becoming house-hold names of their own. The talent of the SWAY cast is simply off the charts, and we could not be more honored and thankful to work with all of you!
Thank you to the army of behind-the-scenes workers in costuming, technical production, stage production, marketing, promotions and much more! The performers and choreographers of a show like this get most of the attention, but our work would mean quite little without the precious work that all of you do. Thank you!
And of course, a huge thank you to everyone Dance With Me! We are thrilled to see SWAY grow and reach out to so many people, but we hope it always retains the warmth, heart, and intimacy from which it originated. The term “family” is not just a gimmick at Dance With Me. It is a genuine bond we bring to every endeavor we pursue, including SWAY. SWAY began at Dance With Me as a project of love and continues through the support, dedication, and drive of the entire Dance With Me family. For that we are overwhelmingly grateful.
Over the past several months a lot of our dancers and fans have shared their thoughts on what SWAY is “about.” Each view is a little different, and there is nothing wrong with that. The true measure of any show’s success is in the way it affects the lives of those who experience it, and everyone’s experience is bound to be unique.
For us though SWAY has always been, among other things, a metaphor for the way we should all strive to live – with desire, with wildly optimistic ambition, and yes, with passion! It is a reminder that dance is a universal language that allows each of us to express ourselves in incredible ways. We just have to (as Val would say) start moving.
Check out the video below for a little taste of SWAY: A Dance Trilogy in NYC, and once again, thank you all for sharing this journey with us!
Joao Tiago Fernandes & David Thomas Moore
For more information and private pre-sale contact or fill out the form at the bottom of this page!